Sun Square Pluto in the Natal Chart

Paige Steele
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2017


Let’s cut to the chase and start with the “challenging” part of this aspect in the natal chart. This placement is rough (extra rough if you’re a 5th house Sun). You’ll spend a good part of your life hiding. Hiding your self. Hiding your art. Hiding your creativity. Hiding your body. Hiding your LIGHT.

You don’t necessarily hide because you fear rejection or criticism (even though you probably do). There’s a bigger issue here. You hide because you don’t want people to know You. Instead, you want to keep yourself and your talents a secret from others.

You figured out at an early age that people could (and would) use you against…you. At some point you expressed your truest self and it got thrown right back in your face. Over time, you learned how to control what people knew about you, even if it meant censoring your true self. Or censoring your art.

Now you cringe when people ask personal questions (they should only know what you’re willing to tell them). Your closet is crammed with dusty paintings and journals (if people ask to see what you’ve created, you straight up tell them NO). Your camera is full of photos that never get seen (and definitely never posted on any type of social media).

Because what they don’t know can’t hurt you. Better yet — what they can’t criticize, can’t hurt you.

Ironically, when you’re distrustful of others, the Universe constantly sends people who are really great at prying. Most of them genuinely love you. Some of them do want to dim your light. It’ll be hard to tell the difference, so you just keep telling yourself that You’re safe as long as no one sees the real You.

The internal and external power struggle here is REAL.

By choosing to hide, you’re choosing to dim your own light. It’s basically like having a constant lack of faith in your self.

This is where the “good” part of this aspect comes into play. Pluto can give you the amazing gift of transformation. When you decide to share yourself and spread your light — your Sun— you’ll see that the parts you’ve kept hidden are the same talents that you’re dying to share.

Yes, it will be uncomfortable for you. Yes, you will make others uncomfortable in the process. But you’ll finally be free to shine your light.❤❤❤

Interested in learning more about how you can work with Pluto and your natal chart? You’re in luck! Book a reading with me today!❤

