How to Change Your Mindset in 25 Minutes

Paige Steele
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2018


It’s inevitable, everyone has shitty days…or weeks, months, etc. How you deal with said shittiness has the ability to affect your mind and body on a deeper level. As stress builds up in the body, it creates a toxic environment and just like any other toxic waste — we need to let that shit go. Daily.

Most people, myself included, are “too busy” to make time for daily self-care. We think we need an full hour massage or a two hour nap. But what if you just needed five minutes to take yourself out of the chaos and re-center? Here are the five minute stress management techniques I use to add some zen to my daily routine:

Smile Yes, literally spend five minutes everyday smiling. Do it while you shower or brush your teeth. You might feel ridiculous, but I guarantee you’ll feel better at the end of the five minutes. Smiling releases dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Trick yourself into stress free happiness!

Write It doesn’t matter what you write, just write. I’ve always been a writer, so I might be biased, but I swear it’s an automatic destresser. If you don’t know where to start, try writing a list of everything you’re grateful for that day. If that bores you, try writing a poem. Why a poem? Poems can be short and sweet, and writing one each day will give you a sense of accomplishment. Not into poems? Write about whatever is stressing you out. Just write.

Dance Again, I might be biased, I love dancing. It just feels so damn good! Like smiling, dancing gives you a hit of those feel good endorphins. If dancing isn’t your thing, any type of movement will work. Maybe yoga — how about five minutes of sun salutations? Walk around the block for five minutes. The point here is to move and imagine the stress leaving your body. Kill two birds with one stone and smile while you move.

Meditate If you can spend just five minutes silencing (or centering) your mind, your body will thank you. Don’t worry about how you’re meditating, there’s no right or wrong way. Meditation is what you want it to be. Sit in silence, if that’s what you need. Or if you find your mind wandering, focus on your breathing or pick a mantra to repeat (my personal favorite: I am love, I am light, I am life, I am home).

Love Spend five minutes focusing on what you love about your life. Make a list of what (and who) you’re grateful for today. If you’re feeling adventurous, look in the mirror (smile!) and focus on loving you. Try to really get in touch with how you *feel* about what you love. Connecting with that *feeling* of love will help you subconsciously operate at that vibration and attract more love.

That’s it! I’m not saying that this will change your life or magically erase your problems. But spending just a few more minutes on yourself each day is a step in the right direction!

xoxo, Paige

