Saturn in Capricorn — What Does It Mean for You?

Paige Steele
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2017


Saturn has finally moved into Capricorn, here to stay until 2020. What area of your life needs your focus and attention for the next three years? Take a look at your Sun and/or Rising sign below to find out!

Aries & Aries Rising (Saturn transiting the 10th House) — As the natural ruler of the 10th house, there isn’t a better place for Saturn to travel. Saturn is at *home* here. It’s time to get serious about your career or any long-term goals that you’ve put on the back burner. Do you value the work you’re doing? If the answer is no, don’t be afraid to build something new for yourself. Choose to commit to work that brings value to your life. It won’t all be glittery and gold— you might feel restricted by work, and you’ll probably be working 24/7/365 for the next three years. But it will be worth it. Put in the effort now and people will soon see you as an authority or expert in your industry.

Taurus & Taurus Rising (Saturn transiting the 9th House) — What do you believe in? I mean, reeeaallly believe in? What are your thoughts about the world, life, humanity, etc? What you know and believe about the world around you is about to change. Your personal philosophies (or ideas about spirituality or religion) will be tested. You’ll discover new ideas (or conspiracy theories) that you never knew existed. You might travel to places and meet people that teach you lessons you never knew you needed to learn. The goal here is to guide you to your purpose here on Earth.

Gemini & Gemini Rising (Saturn transiting the 8th House) — This transit can bring about power struggles, both internal and external. If you’re not sure what these power struggles will be about, look at the areas of your life where you use the word “our”. As in, “our money”…“our business”…“our home”. What’s going on in these areas? How can you create more stability here? How can you work with someone, instead of against them, to bring more structure to whatever it is that you’re sharing? This could also be about facing deep fears that have planted themselves in your mind. It’s time to take back your power!

Cancer & Cancer Rising (Saturn transiting the 7th House) — How are your partnerships going? Saturn wants you to take a look at your most important relationships. For many, this could mean your relationship with your significant other or business partner. But it goes deeper than that. How’s your *most* important relationship? You know, the one you have with yourself? Saturn is here to help you discover which relationships are no longer serving you. Again this isn’t just about people, think about your relationship to money, work, etc. How are your relationships helping you become the best you? How are you going to be a better partner? How can you bring stability to your relationships?

Leo & Leo Rising (Saturn transiting the 6th House) — Put. In. Work. Saturn through this house is almost too easy, it’s time to get serious about your daily routine. How do you spend your days? What do you eat? How long are you working? Are you taking care of your health? How are *you*? Saturn here could also bring up a monotonous schedule, a mystery illness or unexpected downtime. Whatever happens, the Universe wants you to look at how you spend your time each day. It’s time to build the most productive lifestyle for you.

Virgo & Virgo Rising (Saturn transiting the 5th House) — Saturn here can cause you to be overly critical of anything that could be seen as an extension of yourself (children, love, art)…as if you weren’t already! You know that *your* children, *your* art and *your* love life represent you and now the challenge is to take responsibility for your happiness in these areas. You might spend the next 3 years combating blockages and fears around expressing yourself. Stop projecting yourself onto others and own your individuality. In what ways are you ready to share yourself with the world?

Libra & Libra Rising (Saturn transiting the 4th House) — As a Libra rising with natal Saturn in my 4th house, I live and breathe this everyday. Saturn here can create an increased sense of responsibility (or obligation) to your home or family for the next few years. Don’t be surprised if it feels like your family life controls you. On the flip side, you might want to control your environment by completely isolating yourself. Either way, your job now is to ground yourself and find balance between your outer and inner worlds. How can you bring them together to build a strong emotional (and physical) foundation? How can you create a more secure mental environment? How can you create a nurturing (and stabilizing) environment? How can you create an environment that adapts to you— somewhere you can relax, cook, feel, work, breathe, travel, etc? It’s time to build *space* for yourself to exist.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (Saturn transiting the 3rd House) — I just finished this transit and it’s a little bit of a mindfuck. Saturn here can bring unnecessary worry and a pessimistic attitude. Maybe even depression. Saturn isn’t trying to be a Debbie downer, on the contrary, Saturn is actually pointing out the areas of your life that are bogging you down. It’s showing the cracks in your thought process and giving you an opportunity to strengthen your belief system. Think about mental strength, clarity and wisdom. Take this time to discipline your mind to be as productive (and positive) as possible.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (Saturn transiting the 2nd House) — Many people fear this transit. They worry that it will bring financial hardship and restricted income. And it might. But don’t fret, things aren’t as tight as they seem and they won’t always be this way. Are you spending money (energy) in a way that will deplete or build your fortune? Because Saturn is ready to help you build a fortune. Take Saturn’s cue and invest in people, situations and “things” that have a high ROI. Invest in yourself. Invest in your future. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Saturn transiting the 1st House) — You are the Star of this transit, or you at least feel that way. Your life and your “ways” are being rewritten. How have you spent the last 3 years? Rebuilding? Figuring out what doesn’t work? Maybe even falling a few times? Good, hopefully you’ve learned your lesson. Now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and put it out in the world. It’s time for your hard work and efforts to be used in a way that will stabilize your identity and help others see you as The Author of your own life.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (Saturn transiting the 12th House) — Everyone forgets that Saturn is also your traditional ruler….not that Aquarians are traditional, but they do get their reputations as cold, detached and aloof from somewhere. With Saturn transiting your 12th house, you’re entering a mode of preparation. Pay attention to your dreams, they’re speaking to you. Pay attention to art, music, colors, patterns and sounds…the intangible is meant to inspire you. What is shaping the world around you? If you could dream up a new you, who would you be?

Pisces & Pisces Rising (Saturn transiting the 11th House) — Do your associations uplift you or bring you down? What do you wish for? Better yet, what (and who) doesn’t align with your lifelong dreams? Now is a time where anything that doesn’t support you will be removed. Those friends you were always on the fence about? Goodbye! Now is a time to let go of those people that don’t serve your best interest. And it’s okay. You could go through a bit of time where you feel lonely, but when you look around the table and see that you’re surrounded by your tribe, you’ll see that it’s all been worth it.

Interested in learning more about how you can work with Saturn in Capricorn? You’re in luck, I’m doing a Saturn in Capricorn special…use code FEB10 to receive 10% off! ❤

