New Moon in Sagittarius — Have a Little Faith

Paige Steele
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2017


“Well, you know, he has a strong faith.”

My grandmother — My Nana — used this phrase to describe someone last night. As the words left her mouth, I felt goosebumps covering my arms. The way she said it, you’d think faith was a weapon of mass destruction that could conquer any and all pain in this world. And it can, for some. In that moment I made a deal with myself — I am going to be one of *those* people.

And there was my aha! moment. Next week’s New Moon in Sagittarius is about faith.

I’ve spent the last couple of days preparing new moon intentions — you know, reviewing 2017 (hello, Mercury retrograde!) and contemplating how I can bring more Sagittarius energy into my life. What exactly is Sagittarius energy? Adventure, growth / expansion, “luck”, foreign traveling, wisdom…oh, and faith.

Now, I’m not necessarily talking about religious faith. Think about it for a minute…what do you have faith in? Do you have faith in yourself? It’s so easy to be fearful or paranoid, but why don’t we expect the best? Why not have faith that this world, as crazy as it is, is conspiring for you? (I think the word is pronoia.) Why not have faith that *you* instinctively know what’s best for you?

With next week’s New Moon making aspects to Uranus, Saturn and Venus, the Universe is telling us to have faith in the process. Have faith in the chaos (Uranus). Have faith that you can find stability (Saturn) through the chaos. Have faith in your financial situation (Venus). Have faith that your relationships are working for you (Venus, again). Most importantly, have faith in your Self, your decisions and your actions. ❤

