Mercury Retrograde in Aries — Keep Pushing Forward!

Paige Steele
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018


By now, the general population is aware of the phenomenon that is Mercury Retrograde. Three(ish) times a year, the lovely celestial body appears to travel backwards, almost as if it’s retracing its steps. We all know the saying…

As above, so below!

Meaning there’s another “phenomenon” happening down here on Earth. Traditionally, Mercury represents communication, short-distance travel, and even our daily routines. With Mercury in Aries, you’ll notice way more activity in those areas. Suddenly, you’re eager to reach out to others. Eager to enhance connections. Eager to book that last minute flight. Eager to wing that big presentation at work. In fact, you’re even glowing because Aries energy just feels that good…in that new, Spring-like way. And then, bam! Mercury retrograde comes along to throw everything off course. Now we’re dealing with unanswered phone calls, arguments, lost packages, flight delays, return-of-the-ex scenarios. People are scared AF — avoiding flights, emails, and necessary conversations. All because of Mercury.

Guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way! Mercury’s backtracking is a blessing. Yes, a blessing! Now is the perfect time to move forward with full, Arian force. Just remember, Mercury retrograde means it’s time to review, rethink and revise. Revisit old work that you’ve done. Hash out any flaws in your business plan. Hash out any old arguments. Pay attention to the tiny details. (Because you for sure missed some.)

If you do it right, you’ll finally find the missing piece that is necessary to move forward with your plans.

Interested in learning more about how you can work with your natal chart? You’re in luck! Book a reading with me today!❤

