Career Astrology — What Motivates You?

Paige Steele
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2018


Photo by Bruce Mars (Pexels)

I had an interesting discussion with my mom and sister last week. Let me give a little bit of background on them. My mom has always been a career driven woman. Like, she loves her job. My sister, a high school senior, is following in her footsteps with two (!!) jobs. Both of them willingly (eagerly?) work more than they need to because they enjoy it. No one can really enjoy working, right? So I asked them — what motivates you? What makes you excited to go to work?

My mother (a Gemini Sun with a Taurus Rising & Aquarius Moon) said “money and recognition”. My sister (a Scorpio Rising/Sun, Capricorn Moon) said “money and sense of accomplishment”. When they turned the tables and asked me, I couldn’t think of an answer! It’s definitely not money, but I couldn’t decide what “it” was.

Is it possible that nothing motivates me?!

No, I don’t think so. I’m still a little fuzzy on what exactly motivates me, but I realized that it is not something tangible. How about…Independence? Love? Emotional and physical health? Is it possible that those “feelings” are what drive me each day?

Situations like these are when career astrology and consulting your natal chart come in handy. But where should you look?

Your first house — this is how you present yourself to the world. How you affect your environment and the world around you. What planets (if any) are there? Look at the sign on the cusp of your first house (your rising sign) and then figure out what planet “rules” that sign (i.e., if you’re a Libra Rising, look for Venus) Where is that planet in your chart and what is it doing?

Sun — this is how you know yourself. I think of each sign as a “vibration”, so you, in your natural state, operate at the same frequency/vibration as your Sun sign.

Mars — this might be one of the strongest indicators, as Mars shows us what we desire. And that which we desire, usually motivates us.

Your tenth house /Midheaven— how would you like to be seen in the public eye? What kind of career would put you front and center? That’s what our tenth house shows us. My midheaven is in Cancer (the nurturer), so it makes sense that I would be motivated by things like Love and health.

Moon — because emotions can definitely motivate us to take action. What is going on there?

Regardless of what you find in your chart, I do believe it’s important to identify what motivates you. From there, work backwards to find out how you can alter (or create) a career that aligns with your deepest desires and motivations. Congratulations, you’ve just completed the first step on your journey to career happiness!

Interested in learning more about how you can work with your natal chart? You’re in luck! Book a reading with me today!❤

